About Bats:
Bats are awesome!
They are so awesome that this website cannot begin to explain all of the awesomeness, so there are MANY links below to help you in your exploration. The links are in no particular order, so if you do not know where to start, clicking some at random is sure to take you somewhere interesting.
It's hard to keep up with all of the amazing bat news and conservation organizations, and some of the links on this page may stop working, but we are doing our best to keep up and update. Think of this page as a jumping-off point, and keep your bat ears tuned for more news and updates.
Bats reading The Gentleman Bat at Lubee Bat Conservancy, Gainesville, FL. Click here for more cute photos!
Some Bat Basics:
- Bats are mammals (like humans). They are the only mammals that really fly. Other "flying" mammals like flying squirrels, actually jump and glide (which is still pretty cool), instead of flapping their wings like bats.
- Bats' wings are basically skin stretched between their fingers. When their wings are folded up, so are their fingers, which makes it very difficult to play piano. They use their thumbs and feet to hang upside down and move around when they are not flying.

Some bats like to dance, but not all bats have moves like these.
- There are more than 1200 kinds of bats, and each species is a little different in size, shape, behavior, and eating habits than the others.
- The smallest bat is the bumblebee bat, which is less than 2 inches long. The largest bat is a fruit bat that can have a wingspan of more than 5 feet!
- Many bats have big ears. These come in handy when they are using echolocation to catch bugs and avoid running into things while flying around in the dark. They make high-pitched squeaks that bounce off of things, and allow them to "see" using their ears.
- Bats are not blind. Fruit bats can see in full color, about as well as humans. Many smaller bats have limited distance vision, but see well enough close-up.
- Most bats eat bugs. (There's a song about it: Bats Eat Bugs) Bat colonies eat millions of pounds of insects around the world every year. Without bats, you would have to live in a much buggier world.
"Spiced or candied?"
- Many bats eat fruit and nectar from flowers. These bats help to polinate flowering plants and spread fruit seeds, which help to build and maintain healthy rainforests, and to regrow forests in places that have been logged.
- Other bats eat frogs, rodents, fish, and even scorpions! Vampire bats drink blood, but don't worry, they almost never nibble on people.
- The largest known bat colony in the world lives in Bracken Cave, north of San Antonio, Texas, with around 20 million bats in the summer time!
- The largest urban bat colony in North America is under the Congress Avenue Bridge in Austin, Texas, with 750,000 - 1,500,000 Mexican free-tailed bats living there each summer. They eat 10,000 to 30,000 pounds of insects every night!
Awesome Articles, Information, Photos, and Videos of Bats:
There are a lot of articles and reference sites linked here in mostly random order, and we may add more as we find them or have them recommended to us, so click around and have fun. The web is full of fascinating information about bats. Videos are grouped at the bottom of the list.
Wikipedia has a long article packed with all kinds of information.
Bat Guide - National Wildlife Federation
Univeristy of Michigan Animal Diversity Web (search keyword "Bat"), Main Page
Bat Development and Embryology, University of New South Wales, Australia - very cool Bat Embryo Photos!
Article about bat development, some photos of Bat Embryos
Weird Nature: A Bat That Eats Scorpions!
Photo of a momma bat flying with a baby bat (Scroll down to #24)
Photos of 25 cute bat species
Article about albinism, with a photo gallery that includes Albino Bats
The Females of the Madagascar Sucker-Footed Bat are Missing
Yorkshire Bats' Habitation Behavior Surprises Scientists
Bats find shelter at Nazi defence line in Poland
"Lost" bat species in New Guinea rediscovered after 120 years
Bats Eat Bookworms at Elegant Portugese Libraries (Biblioteca Joanina, and Mafra National Palace Library)
Bats that sing like birds?
Bats Recognize Other Bats' Voices
Free Online Tool Helps Identify Bat Calls
Researchers "Translate" Bat Talk. Turns Out, They Argue—A Lot
Bright Orange Bat Surprises Fruit Seller
Bracken Cave goes batty for visitors
Nature Conservancy sets up artifical bat cave to help combat white-nose syndrome
3 ways to keep bats away from wind turbines
Superfast Muscles Help Bats Catch Prey - First Such Muscles Found in Mammals
Bats use hair-thin muscles to shape wings in flight
Bat mops up nectar using bizarre bristled tongue - Scientific paper with more information and images
Bats drawn to plants by echolocation - Plant structure evolved to respond to bat calls
Vampire Bats Cannot Taste Bitter Flavors
Top 10 Bizarre Bats
Bat of the Negev Eats Scorpions
Dispelling Flights of Fancy about Bats
Bats have sparkly poop
A few bat articles from Live Science:
Bats shut traps while flying in groups
Bats taste prey before eating
Bats are more efficient flyers than birds
Neighbor not batting an eyelid over flying foxes
Seattle couple hosts attic full of bats
Santa Cruz Roofer, First to Earn Bat-Friendly Label
Bats in artwork at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Bats in artwork at the Tate Museum
Bat and flower pattern by Natalya Zahn
Goth Bats Bat Products
Bat and flower wallpaper for your house by Dan Funderburgh
Anatomically Correct Zoological Needlefelts by Cretur Fetur, and their Etsy page
Ceramic mugs with bat wing handles by Polish artist Barbara Sniegula
Radio: In Tracking Bats, It Helps To Find Them Adorable
Radio: Blindness No Obstacle To Those With Sharp Ears - Humans Using Echolocation
Radio: What is it like to be a bat? - More Humans Using Echolocation
Video: Baby Bat Burritos at the Australian Bat Clinic
Video: The Bats and the Kapok Tree - Antillean Fruit Bats covered in pollen as they feed on flowers
Video: Smarter Every Day: Bat Flight vs. Birds - includes slo-mo video, computer models, and robot bat wings
Video: Meet Ro-bat, Brown University's Robotic Bat Wing
Article about Brown University's Robo-bat and another video
Brown University's Aeromechanics & Evolutionary Morphology Lab - scroll down the page for awesome photos and slow-motion videos of bats flying and swimming, and even a long-tongue bat drinking water
Video: Amazing High Speed X-Ray Videos Reveal How Bats Take Flight
Video: Slo-mo footage of bats feeding on cactus flowers
Video: Bats have innate ability to detect open water
Video: Super cute orphan bats at the Australian Bat Clinic
Video: Are you afraid of bats? Don't be.
Video: Bats Departing from Congress Bridge in Austin, Texas
Video: Gating Bat Caves for Bat Safety - Science Friday
Video: Laser Scanners and Thermal Imaging to Document Bat Caves - Science Friday
Video: Murcielagos Aliados Nocturnos Generalidades
- Amazing and beautiful footage of all kinds of bats with narration in Spanish, from the Bolivian bat conservation organization (PCMB). For a very rough (sometimes inaccurate) translation to English, turn on closed captions (CC) at the bottom of the video, and choose "Translate Captions."
Video: Batz, Animated Movie
Video / Audio: Some Moths Escape Bats by Jamming Sonar - NPR / Science Friday
Live feed: Vampire Bat Cam at Organization for Bat Conservation
Bat Conservation:
Many groups of bats are in peril, and unfortunately humans are one of the biggest sources of threats to bats. Construction development, farming practices, exotic pet trade, pollution, noise, and other dangers threaten groups of bats and even whole bat species. Fortunately with widespread education and a few easy changes in behavior and attitude, humans can live comfortably with bats.
Here are some links to organizations devoted to the preservation and rescue of bats around the world. The list is not complete, so if you know of a worthwhile organization that we might link here, please let us know.
This Old House Fun Family Project: How to Build a Bat House
Bat World Sanctuary, Mineral Wells, Texas, and their Facebook page
Punk Rock / Metal Benefit Album for Bat World Sanctuary, and their Facebook page - (music and lyrics may not be suitable for kids or all audiences)
Bat Conservation International, Austin, Texas, and their Facebook page
Organization for Bat Conservation, Bloomfield Hills, Mchigan, and their Facebook page
Indiana State University Center for Bat Research, Outreach, and Conservation, and their Facebook page
Lubee Bat Conservancy, Gainesville, Florida, and their Facebook page
Bats reading The Gentleman Bat at Lubee Bat Conservancy, Gainesville, FL. Click here for more cute photos!
Nor Cal Bats, in Davis, California, and their Facebook page
Bat Conservancy of Coastal California: lots of articles and information
Western Bat Specialists: safe, humane bat removal, Northern California and Nevada, and their Facebook group
Missouri Bat Census
Alaska Bat Monitoring Project, University of Alaska, Anchorage
North American Society for Bat Research, and their Facebook page
BatRescue.org has some information, links, and images relating to bat rescue and conservation
The Save Lucy Campaign, and their Facebook page
A Coordinated Response to White-Nose Syndrome in Bats, United States and Canada, and their Facebook page
South Coast Bat Action Team, British Columbia, and their Facebook page
Peace Bat Conservation Project
Bat Conservation and Rescue, Queensland, Australia, and their Facebook page
Bats Qld, Queensland, Australia, and their Facebook page, and Baby Bats and Buddies of Bats Qld on Facebook
Bat Reach, Queensland, Australia
Tolga Bat Hospital, Atherton, Australia, and their Facebook page
Australian Bat Clinic, Gold Coast, Australia, and their Facebook page
Adelaide Bat Care, Australia, and their Facebook page, and their links page which has some great articles and resources
Trinibats - the Bats of Trinidad and Tobago, and their Facebook page
Conservation Program for Bats in Bolivia (PCMB)
Bat Conservation Trust, London, UK, and their Facebook page
Sussex Bat Group, UK
Isle of Wight Bat Hospital, UK, and their Facebook page
Vincent Wildlife Trust, UK, and their Facebook page
The Avon Bat Group, UK, and their Facebook page
Bat Box Denmark
Fledermausschutzprojekt BUND Region, Hannover, Germany, and their Facebook page
Indian Bat Conservation Research Unit
Slovak Caves Administration (Správa Slovenských Jaskýň), and their Facebook page
Cave Administration of the Czech Republic
Bat Conservation Ireland, and their Facebook page